As the holiday season kicks into high gear, Black Friday and sales promotions are inescapable. Cybercriminals are taking note of the increase in online shopping this season, and our hosts Ranson and…
Are people still falling for romance scams on social media? You would be surprised by the findings revealed in the latest report by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Individuals have lost a reported…
Ranson and Tony discuss yet another development in biometrics, the Amazon One. Our hosts have a look at the new tech deployed by Amazon while also examine its commercial applications. We take a trip…
This week our hosts kick off Cybersecurity Awareness Month with a special guest. Ranson and Tony welcome Kelvin Coleman, the executive director of the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) to…
Our hosts Ranson and Tony invite Kristin Judge, CEO and founder of Cybercrime Support Network (CSN) and, to join this week’s episode of Speakeasy Security. With the spike in…
In this episode our hosts take on fitness devices, trackers and apps that record and capture health data and much more. Earlier this week Apple announced the Apple Watch 6, which features a bevy of…