Expert support whenever you need it

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business customers

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global R&D centers

ESET Premium Support

Highly-trained professionals available 365/24/7 to help organizations respond rapidly to security issues and protect their reputation, whilst also saving IT-related costs and freeing up IT resources.

Why a Premium Support Service?

Protect your organization’s reputation

Improve the security profile and trustworthiness of your organization by responding to all cybersecurity issues rapidly and efficiently.

Save IT costs

Benefit from 365/24/7 immediate assistance and proactive information from highly-trained customer care specialists and increase the value of your ESET security solutions.

Improve productivity

Receive technical assistance during major upgrades, installations of service packs, software migrations and other tasks, enabling your organization to keep operating without interruption.

Free up IT resources

Enable the organization IT department to focus on core tasks, without being confronted by security issues.

protected by ESET since 2017
more than 9,000 endpoints

protected by ESET since 2016
more than 4,000 mailboxes

protected by ESET since 2016
more than 32,000 endpoints

ISP security partner since 2008
2 milion customer base

Benefit from the following features

On-demand assistance

Highly-trained customer care specialists at your disposal 365/24/7.

Guaranteed expertise

Expert consultancy directly from the makers of our technology.

Priority status

Get priority on support calls to resolve all IT security issues rapidly.

Full reporting

Track the history of all your support tickets.

Relevant support

Receive appropriate technical assistance during major upgrades, installations of service packs and software migrations.

Premium Support

Standard Support

Critical Severity Response Time

2 hours

1 business day

Serious Severity Response Time

4 hours

Best effort

Common Severity Response Time

1 workday

Best effort

Support availability


7:00-18:00, business days only

Priority call queuing



Caller Entry Point

Specialists/Experts (ESET HQ)

Frontline (ESET Partner)

Customer Contacts



Proactive Informative Services



Comprehensive Incident Reports



Major Upgrades



Service Pack Installation



Software Migrations



Make an Enquiry

Premium Support

Critical Severity Response Time: 2 hours

Serious Severity Response Time: 4 hours

Common Severity Response Time: 1 workday

Support availability: 365/7/24

Priority call queuing: YES

Caller Entry Point: Specialists/Experts (ESET HQ)

Customer Contacts: Unlimited

Proactive Informative Services: Yes

Comprehensive Incident Reports: Yes

Major Upgrades: Assistance

Service Pack Installation: Assistance

Software Migrations: Assistance

Standard Support

Critical Severity Response Time: 1 business day

Serious Severity Response Time: Best effort

Common Severity Response Time: Best effort

Support availability: 7:00-18:00, business days only

Priority call queuing: No

Caller Entry Point: Frontline (ESET Partner)

Customer Contacts: No

Proactive Informative Services: No

Comprehensive Incident Reports: Yes

Major Upgrades: No

Service Pack Installation: No

Software Migrations: No

Explore our customized solutions

Please leave us your contact details so we can design a personalized offer to fit your requirements.
No commitment.

Looking for the complete security of your network?

Related bundled solutions

ESET Targeted Attack Protection

  • Security Management Center
  • Endpoint Protection Platform
  • Cloud Sandbox Analysis
  • Endpoint Detection & Response

ESET Dynamic Mail Protection

  • Security Management Center
  • Mail Security
  • Cloud Sandbox Analysis

ESET Dynamic Endpoint Protection

  • Security Management Center
  • Endpoint Protection Platform
  • Cloud Sandbox Analysis

ESET Endpoint Protection Advanced

  • Security Management Center
  • Endpoint Protection Platform

Stay on top of cybersecurity news

Brought to you by awarded and recognized security researchers from ESET's 13 global R&D centers.

Corporate blog

blocky teal cube that looks like a minecraft object

How Minecraft and game modding can undermine your security

ESET Research has revealed a concerning fact — gamers are being targeted by cybercriminals, and it’s no mystery why they are such meaty targets.

Annoying but necessary: How to decrease the burden of authentication requirements

Authentication mechanisms are a vital aspect of cybersecurity deserving adequate protection, but increasing complexity makes them an easier target.

See more

We Live Security blog

Understanding cyber-incident disclosure

Proper disclosure of a cyber-incident can help shield your business from further financial and reputational damage, and cyber-insurers can step in to help

ESET Research Podcast: EvilVideo

ESET researchers discuss how they uncovered a zero-day Telegram for Android exploit that allowed attackers to send malicious files posing as videos