Povečajte varnost poslovanja zdaj in prihranite do 50%
Poskrbite za zaščito naslednje stopnje in preprečite napade, preden se zgodijo. Ponudba ESET Remote Workforce vam pomaga prepoznati zero-day napade z analizo sumljivih vzorcev v izoliranem okolju peskovnika.
Več slojev zaščite je združenih v enem, priročnem paketu, kar vam prihrani do 50% v primerjavi s posameznimi varnostnimi izdelki.
Boost your business security now and save up to 50%
Ensure next-level protection & prevent attacks before they happen. ESET Dynamic Endpoint Protection helps you identify zero-day attacks by analyzing suspicious samples in an isolated cloud sandbox environment.
Multiple layers of protection are combined in a single, convenient bundle, saving you up to 50% compared to individual security products.
Boost your business security with powerful cloud-based protection
ESET Endpoint Protection Advanced Cloud combines multilayered technology, machine learning and human expertise into the best level of protection, with simple-to-use cloud-based security management.
Behavior-based Detection
Machine Learning
Zero-day Threats Detection
Cloud Management
Cloud Sandbox Analysis
File Server Protection