Turla Espionage Group, infamous for targeting governments, their officials and diplomats since at least 2007, has added a new campaign to its arsenal. According to ESET, the latest watering hole…
Today, ESET announced the release of a AES-NI decryption tool for victims whose data has been encrypted by Win32/Filecoder.AESNI.B and Win32/Filecoder.AESNI.C (also known as XData). The AES-NI…
A week after the global outbreak of WannaCryptor, another ransomware has been making rounds.
Detected by ESET as Win32/Filecoder.AESNI.C and also known as XData ransomware, the threat has been most…
New ruling secures ESET’s strongest U.S. patent to date, protecting the unique method for deploying and managing encryption keys and policy
ESET, a global industry leader in IT security software,…
ESET Threat Intelligence, a service that predicts and proactively notifies enterprise customers about real-time threats such as WannaCryptor ransomware or the EternalBlue exploit, has been made…
On Friday, May 12, 2017, a ransomware attack known as “WannaCry” or “WannaCryptor” (detected by ESET as Win32/Filecoder.WannaCryptor.D) began to spread across the globe at an unprecedented scale and…