Discovered a security vulnerability?

Tell us about it

Vulnerabilities found on listed ESET Websites

Our partnership with Hacktrophy helps us to stay ahead of any potential threats. Let us know about any security issues on our websites. Confirmed reports on websites listed below are compensated with monetary rewards.


ESET Inspect Cloud

ESET Business Account

ESET Cloud Office Security


* ESET Global Website includes the subdomains,,,, and

Vulnerabilities found in ESET products or ESET websites

If you believe you have found a vulnerability in any ESET product or web application that is not defined in Hacktrophy's scope, please inform us confidentially via

If you believe you have found a vulnerability in any ESET product or web application, please inform us confidentially.

Before submitting a report, please read the Report Policy and Out of scope section. An automatic reply is sent when report is successfully processed by our system and waiting for review from a security specialist. Within three working days a security specialist will send the reporter feedback via Our target is to provide a fix for confirmed vulnerabilities within 90 calendar days of disclosure. Reports of confirmed and fixed vulnerabilities are rewarded with a goodie bag.
When assessing the vulnerability, use the latest version of CVSS -
we will prioritize our response based on this CVSS score or vector string.
As a CNA for applicable vulnerabilities in our products, ESET will reserve a CVE ID automatically.

Please note that we will not initiate a law enforcement investigation or any lawsuit against you for the content of the report.

Sensitive and Personal information

Never attempt to access sensitive or personal data. If you obtain sensitive or personal information during your security research, follow these steps:

- STOP your research or actions that involve sensitive or personal information immediately

- DO NOT save, copy, disclose, transfer or do any activity related to the sensitive or personal information

- ALERT us immediately and support us in the mitigation effort

Out of scope vulnerabilities

Web applications

  • Reports from automated tools or scans
  • Denial of service attacks
  • Man in the middle attacks
  • Attacks requiring physical access to a device
  • Hypothetical issues that do not have any practical impact
  • Publicly accessible login panels without proof of exploitation
  • Findings derived primarily from social engineering (e.g. phishing, vishing, smishing) and other non-technical attacks
  • Informative severity and low severity issues
  • Spamming
  • Clickjacking and issues only exploitable through clickjacking.
  • Fingerprinting / banner disclosure on common/public services.
  • Mail configuration issues (SPF, DKIM, DMARC settings)
  • Descriptive error messages (e.g. stack traces, application or server errors)
  • HTTP 404 codes/pages or other HTTP non-200 codes/pages.
  • Disclosure of known public or non-sensitive files or directories, (e.g. robots.txt,crossdomain.xml and any other policy files, wildcard presence or misconfiguration in these).
  • Nonstandard HTTP method enabled
  • Missing Security headers such as Strict-Transport-Security, X-Frame-Options, X-XSS-Protection, X-Content-Type-Options
  • Lack of Secure, HTTP Only, and SameSite flags on non-sensitive cookies.
  • Open redirect that cannot be used to exfiltrate sensitive information such as session cookies, OAuth tokens
  • Management issues with multiple concurrent active sessions
  • Host-header injection attacks
  • Self-XSS and issues exploitable only through Self-XS
  • CSRF on forms that are available to anonymous users (e.g. the contact form).
  • CSRF on logout
  • Presence of application or web browser "autocomplete" or "save password" functionality.
  • Forgot Password page brute force attack protection and account lockout policies not enforced.
  • Username or email enumeration without any further impact
  • Rate limiting issues
  • Weak Captcha or Captcha Bypass
  • Use of a known-vulnerable library without a description of an exploit specific to our implementation
  • SSL issues (e.g. weak/insecure cipher, BEAST, BREACH, renegotiation attacks)

Product vulnerabilities

  • Issues that can be covered by adding a detection signature
  • DLL injection
  • DLL hijacking
  • No SSL in update/download servers
  • Local AV engine bypasses
  • Tapjacking
  • Known vulnerabilities in third party components
  • Attacks only possible with admin privileges will be evaluated case-by-case

Report Policy

  • Reach out to us via
  • Reports and all related materials are encrypted by PGP public key
  • Include your organization and contact name
  • Write a clear description of the potential vulnerability
  • Add all information needed to validate the potential vulnerability
  • Include the ESET product and module version (see KBs on finding product and module versions ) for reports related to the product
  • Product-related reports should contain a log file from ESET SysInspector if applicable
  • Proof of concept – please provide as detailed description as you can, including screenshots and video (marked as private when uploaded to stream services)
  • Mitigation suggestions are highly appreciated
  • Include the impact that you expect the potential vulnerability has on users, ESET employees or others
  • We request the reporter to keep any communication regarding vulnerability confidential
  • Inform about any disclosure plans and coordinate with us
  • Must be written in the English language

Please note that the report may be rejected when:

  • It matches criteria from “Out of scope” section
  • It does not follow our Report Policy
  • It is duplicated, only an original report from first reporter is considered

The reporter will be notified about any update in the process of fixing and/or mitigation.

ESET is a strong believer in the coordinated vulnerability disclosure process and publicly credits security vulnerability reporters for their efforts if they do not wish to remain anonymous.