Preprečevanje, odkrivanje in odzivanje na znane in neznane grožnje

  • Security Management Center
  • Endpoint Protection Platform
  • Cloud Sandbox Analysis
  • Endpoint Detection & Response
  • Full disk encryption add-on

ESET Targeted Attack Protection

Zmogljivo preprečevanje zlonamerne programske opreme, izkoriščanja in izsiljevalskih programov, dopolnjeno z ESET EDR in analizo v peskovniku v oblaku. Integrirano in upravljano iz ene same nadzorne plošče, da se zagotovi popolna preglednost v vašem omrežju. Omogoči:

  • Targeted attacks protection
  • Advanced persistent threats detection
  • Protection against ransomware
  • Zero-day threats detection
  • Data breaches prevention
  • Complete network visibility

Paketna rešitev za podjetja vključuje

Security Management Center

ESET Security Management Center je preprosta upravljalna konzola. Zagotavlja vidljivost v realnem času za premisi in izklopne končne točke ter za popolno poročanje za rešitve ESET na vseh operacijskih sistemih. Vse te funkcije se upravljajo iz enega samega okna.

Nova generacija ESET Endpoint Protection Platform združuje močno preprečevanje zlonamerne programske opreme, izkoriščanja in ransomware. Uporablja ESET-ov večplastni pristop, ki vključuje strojno učenje, napredne vedenjske analitike, velike podatke in tehnološko znanje.

Cloud-based Sandbox Analysis

ESET Dynamic Threat Defense je rešitev na osnovi peskovnika v oblaku. Ocenjuje obnašanje vseh predloženih vzorcev z viri obveščanja o grožnji, več notranjih orodij podjetja ESET za statično in dinamično analizo ter podatke o ugledu za odkrivanje groženj ničelnega dne.

Endpoint Detection & Response

ESET Enterprise Inspector je najbolj prilagodljiva in prilagojena rešitev EDR na trgu. Omogoča natančno prepoznavanje in prepoznavanje nepravilnega vedenja in kršitev, oceno tveganja, odziv na incidente, preiskavo in učinkovito sanacijo.

Primer uporabe: Behavior detection and repeat offenders


V vašem omrežju imate uporabnike, ki so večkratni prestopniki, ko gre za škodljivo programsko opremo.

Isti uporabniki se vedno znova okužijo. Ali je to posledica tveganega vedenja? Ali so ciljane bolj pogosto kot drugi uporabniki?


  • Preprosto si oglejte uporabnike in naprave, ki z uporabljajo ESET Enterprise Inspector.
  • Hitro dokončajte analizo vzroka, da ugotovite vir okužb.
  • Hitro najdete vire okužb, kot so e-pošta, splet ali naprave USB.

Primer uporabe: Granular protection for different company roles


Every role in the company requires different levels of protection. Developers or IT employees require different security restrictions than the office manager or CEO.


  • Configure a unique policy per computer or per server in ESET Security Management Center.
  • Automatically apply a different policy based off a different static user group or Active Directory group.
  • Automatically change configuration settings simply by moving a user from one group to another.

Use case: Network visibility


Some businesses are worried about applications users are running on systems.

Not only do you need to worry about traditionally installed applications but also portable applications that do not actually install. How can you stay in control of them?


  • Use ESET Enterprise Inspector to view and filter all installed applications across devices.
  • View and filter all scripts across devices.
  • Easily block unauthorized scripts or applications from running.
  • Remediate by notifying users about unauthorized applications and automatically uninstall.

Use case: Fileless malware


Fileless malware is a relatively new threat and due to it only existing in memory requires a different approach then traditional file-based malware.


  • A unique ESET technology, Advanced Memory Scanner, protects against this type of threat by monitoring the behavior of malicious processes and scanning them once they decloak in memory.
  • Reduce data gathering and investigation time by uploading threat into ESET Threat Intelligence to provide information on how the threat functions.
  • Multilayered technology, machine learning and human expertise provide our customers with the best level of protection possible.

Izboljšajte paketno rešitev z naprednim dodatkom
ESET Full Disk Encryption

  • Upoštevajte predpise o varstvu podatkov, kot so GDPR, PCI in drugi
  • Na daljavo spremljajte šifriranje na uporabniških strojih
  • Podatke podjetja zaščitite s preprosto, a zmogljivo rešitvijo

Razišči ESET Full Disk Encryption

protected by ESET since 2017
more than 9,000 endpoints

protected by ESET since 2016
more than 4,000 mailboxes

protected by ESET since 2016
more than 32,000 endpoints

ISP security partner since 2008
2 million customer base

Recommended cybersecurity services

ESET Threat Monitoring

Daily monitoring of data/events/alarms generated by ESET Enterprise Inspector, threat alerts and risk mitigation recommendations.

ESET Threat Hunting

On-demand investigation of a specific set of data, events, and alarms generated by ESET Enterprise Inspector.

ESET Deployment & Upgrade Service

Installation and configuration of a specific product in your environment to reduce complexity and ensure business continuity.

ESET Threat Intelligence

Early warnings about threats and comprehensive data feeds from cloud-based cyberspace intelligence that ESET collects from over 110 million sensors worldwide.

ESET Premium Support

Premium support from highly-trained ESET professionals 24/7 ensuring minimum reaction times to maximize productivity and the value of your ESET security solutions.

ESET has been our reliable security solution for years. It does what it has to do; you do not have to worry. In short ESET stands for: reliability, quality and service.

- Jos Savelkoul, Team Leader ICT-Department; Zuyderland Hospital, Netherlands; 10.000+ seats

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Corporate blog

blocky teal cube that looks like a minecraft object

How Minecraft and game modding can undermine your security

ESET Research has revealed a concerning fact — gamers are being targeted by cybercriminals, and it’s no mystery why they are such meaty targets.

Annoying but necessary: How to decrease the burden of authentication requirements

Authentication mechanisms are a vital aspect of cybersecurity deserving adequate protection, but increasing complexity makes them an easier target.

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We Live Security blog

Bitcoin ATM scams skyrocket – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

The schemes disproportionately victimize senior citizens, as those aged 60 or over were more than three times as likely as younger adults to fall prey to the scams

ESET Research Podcast: HotPage

ESET researchers discuss HotPage, a recently discovered adware armed with a highest-privilege, yet vulnerable, Microsoft-signed driver