ESET North America CEO Gives Keynote at Segurinfo in Argentina

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Segurinfo 2015, the largest security conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina was held this Tuesday kicking-off with a keynote presentation from ESET North America CEO Andrew Lee.


With presentation titled "Immortal Data - The Future of Everything" Lee discussed the idea of everything around us being managed by data in the future, and the amassed power in the hands of those who hold that data. Many thought-provoking questions were posed by Lee such as ‘what will it be like living in a society where everything you say and everywhere you go is captured?’ and ‘will anonymity be possible (or desirable)?’ 


“What happens if now threatening someone with immortality is worse than threatening them with death?” suggested Lee. “If I tell you I’ll never give you medical insurance, or I’ll never erase that criminal record, I’m talking about records that cannot be erased, which are eternal.”


According to Lee, privacy is the new frontier of security. 




“Ironically, more transparency will create improved privacy, if we know how they work and what they are used for, so we can control them”.


Read more about Lee’s presentation on

Raphael Labaca Castro

Editor in Chief,