Non-stop safe banking & browsing

Available in all plans*

Shop, search and socialize online securely without worrying about your data being compromised.

Safe Banking – Secure browser mode available for favorite browsers Available for: Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Firefox offers automatic protection when banking online and accessing web-based crypto wallets. Communication between the keyboard and browser is also encrypted, ensuring safer transactions and protection from keyloggers.

Safe Browsing – Safeguard your online activities with a secured browser mode Available for: Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Firefox. This functionality offers an additional layer of browsing protection, defending against malware, keylogging and other types of digital threats. It is automatically activated for all compatible browsers.

Browser Privacy & Security Extension – Experience optimized search performance and enhanced protection against online fraud with:

  • Safe Search to help you easily distinguish between safe and unsafe search results.
  • Browser Cleanup will clear your browser data on demand or automatically, reducing digital clutter and optimizing browser efficiency.