What You Need To Know About Cloud Computing

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Cloud computing has made it possible to have access to advanced resources from anywhere in the world, at any time of day or night, with just a few clicks of a mouse. Its advantages have led many businesses to adopt this technology as part of their everyday operations. 

Put simply, Cloud Computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet, and “the cloud” can be accessed through a web browser or mobile application. Users can use these services without having to install any software on their computers. While it has revolutionised how we store and access our data, it can also be confusing to understand. 

In this article, we'll explain what cloud computing is and how it works so you can decide whether this approach is the route your business should head towards.

Cloud computing relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications

Although it's sometimes referred to as "the cloud", it refers not only to the Internet but also to information stored in remote locations (i.e., away from your home) on other servers. Companies use cloud computing to access on-demand services via an internet connection for processing power, storage, databases, and application functionality, and it is an incredibly useful tool for businesses as it offers a number of advantages.

Benefits of making use of Cloud Computing

  • Cloud storage enables businesses to easily and quickly scale up their storage needs without buying more space or adding more equipment onto their own networks. 

This on-demand scaling allows cloud users to increase and decrease capacity in real time so that they only have to pay for what they use. If you're running a large website, for example, that regularly gets millions of visitors each day, cloud computing can help you scale up your servers when traffic surges without having to invest in new hardware. Moreover, it allows you to scale down when traffic drops again. This attribute saves money on both capital expenditures and operating expenses.

  • Cloud Computing can be an enormous benefit to small businesses or individuals who don't want to pay the overhead costs of maintaining their own servers and storage solutions.

This function of Cloud Computing reduces the amount of time that IT professionals need to spend on maintenance. This leads to businesses saving on labour costs and allows them to focus on other projects that may be more important for the business’s long-term success.

  • Cloud Computing is a cost-effective alternative to traditional hardware and software. 

It is a cost-effective option as businesses no longer have to buy any expensive computer hardware or software licences. In addition, cloud computing is more flexible than buying hardware because you can use it on any device (for example, your laptop, tablet or smartphone). You can also add new features whenever you want without having to buy anything extra.

  • Cloud hosting makes it easy for your business to share files with different users at different locations seamlessly and securely. 

Whether you’re an executive looking to share a contract or a salesperson sending out a proposal, cloud hosting offers the flexibility to do so from anywhere without having to worry about security issues. With cloud hosting, there’s no need to worry about anything other than whether you're connected to the Internet because all the data is stored offsite at a remote location where it can be backed up securely.

  • It’s vitally important to consider the protection of your data no matter where it is stored, and if you’re wondering whether Cloud Computing is safe, here is your answer: 

There is a common misconception that cloud computing isn’t safe, which in fact isn’t true. What makes cloud computing safe, is that the files stored on the servers are usually encrypted, making it extremely difficult for cybercriminals to access. Furthermore, the servers are commonly located in places that are not easily accessible to most workers. Although the servers are hosted remotely, they are equally as susceptible to security threats as on-site providers. Research has shown that it is extremely challenging for “the cloud” to be hacked in any way, and many service providers will offer options to stop the risk of attack even more so.

For example, The ESET PROTECT Cloud provides visibility across your network, including both on-premises and off-premises devices. IT administrators are able to view and manage all detections reported by ESET security software deployed in the network and can export these detections – along with other log data – to security information and event management (SIEM) tools. In addition, IT admins can also access device-level information for hardware and software inventory management, helping to ensure complete situation awareness. 

Read more:ESET’s cloud-first protection secures the shift to remote working

As you can see, there are many advantages to cloud computing. Not only is it a secure way to share data between employees in multiple locations, but it’s also an effective way to share data between employees in multiple locations. Cloud computing has the ability to easily scale up or down capacity at any time which gives businesses flexibility when it is time for expansion or downsizing operations. If you’re looking for a way to save money on your computing needs or a more secure way to share information between your employees in multiple locations, then cloud computing may be just what you need.