Log in to ESET MSP Administrator to provision and manage licenses.

Keep in-touch with us by attending our Partner Empowerment Series, or watch re-runs of our previous episodes. Here you will get the latest information regarding ESET and our products.

Visit us at the following events:

ASCII EDGE MSP Conference 2023 - Toronto, Ontario

The premiere MSP conference for Canadian MSPs. This conference is packed with industry-leading manufacturers that will include onsite training, networking and keynotes from industry experts. 



Le RIMQ a pour mission de soutenir l’échange et l’amélioration des connaissances des responsables de la gestion des ressources informationnelles dans…

SecTor 2023 - Toronto, Ontario

SecTor has built a reputation of bringing together experts from around the world to share their latest research and techniques involving underground threats and corporate defences.

Partner Connect Program

The ESET Partner Program is a dedicated program to help our partners grow their business. Our partners find the program to be easy, flexible, and profitable. ESET is there when it comes to sales, marketing, and technical support.

Our sales program is one that allows partners to earn rebates  and extra margin. Our Marketing Development Fund program offers additional costs to be covered by ESET to increase revenue stream. And lastly, our technical support is there, pre-sales and post-sales.

ESET’s Partner Program has even more to offer! See below benefits and upcoming activities.

Join today!

For questions regarding our partner program, please email partnerservices@eset.ca