Corporate Blog

  • National Lottery hacked

    It has been confirmed that roughly 26K accounts have been hacked. Are simple repeated passwords to blame?

  • Moxa devices found vulnerable

    Industrial automation devices made by Moxa have been found to be vulnerable to a JavaScript inject, allowing for control over settings.

  • Who IS responsible for a breach?

    Mark James, ESET IT Security Specialist, takes us through fraud watch and who is ultimately responsible for a potential breach.

  • Internet of Things and Smart Home vulnerabilities

    Smart Home and home automation are becoming increasingly popular, but what happens when your Smart lights or Smart thermostat are hacked?

  • The growth of cyber security in cars

    IoT is gradually becoming more a part of our lives and cars are no different. Are Internet connected cars the future and what risks do they carry?

  • Dyn DDoS done by amateurs?!

    In October of this year a record breaking DDoS attack took down a large number of popular websites. Mark James explores the motivations behind this attack and who could be responsible.