Corporate Blog

  • State of Software Security

    New software security report released, looking at XXS vulnerabilities and SQL injections.

  • WannaCry: One month on

    Why was WannaCry and EternalBlue to effective? Ondrej Kubovič, ESET Security Awareness Specialist, explains why.

  • French news sites knocked out by DDoS

    A Distributed Denial of Service attack targeted and knocked out major French news sites including Le Monde and Le Figaro.

  • Pirates held to ransom

    Ransomware has been hitting the headlines alarmingly frequently, and large organisations like Disney are no stranger to it.

  • Terror Exploit Kit

    Exploit kits have been bought and sold in dark corners of the Internet for over 10 years now.

  • EU upping cyber spending after WannaCry?

    The EU cybersecurity agency is being revamped after the WannaCry ransomware scare, and is hoping to receive greater funding.