Corporate Blog

  • Ashley Madison data released

    The data stolen by The Impact Team from online infidelity dating website Ashley Madison has been released online. The data includes GPS locations, sexual preferences and credit card details of…

  • ICYMI: Mac malware and Yahoo malvertising

    Last week was a week of tech giants falling foul of malware and malvertising. Apple’s OS suffered two potential exploits which could lead to high levels of system control, while Yahoo was made to…

  • Yahoo ad network spreads malware

    Internet mainstay and advertising titan Yahoo has been the victim of an attack of sorts. Cybercrims were utilising their ads to serve up the Angler exploit kit.

  • ICYMI: ESET Software, Windows 10 and Car hack update

    Windows 10 launched at the end of July and we’re pleased to say that ESET is Windows 10 ready. Further to our previous car hacking blog, more details have emerged.

  • UPDATE: Could you hack a car?

    Further to our blog post from last week, Mark has commented on the automotive industry and their update policies at large.

  • ESET Software and Windows 10

    Windows 10 launches tomorrow! If the extensive beta program is anything to go by then the transition should be relatively painless.